Press Release Summary: Women aren\'t just losing tears over their decreased libido; they are losing more than that. For many women they feel like they have lost part of their spirit and energy while for many others it\'s cost them more than that.
Press Release Body: For many years the attention on the internet has been quite lopsided as it pertained to a decreased libido and sex drive. It seemed that men got all the attention and the only attention women got was when it came to the topic of pregnancy and fertility.
But now the tables have turned. With the increased awareness and open attitude of women today the focus has shifted and women finally have a resource that they can turn to in the comfort and safety of their own home.
The internet.
The internet has revolutionized how many men and women strugling with sexual dysfunction and fertility problems approach their own personal struggle. Women are tired of shedding tears and fighting with their loved ones over their lack of desire for sexual intimacy.
What was once regarded as a fact of life, a natural progession that couldn\'t be undone, what many women thought was just the reality of having kids and going through the stages of menopause has been thrown to the wind. Women of all ages are taking back control of their sex lifes and with the launch of the website women are finding a useful resource to help them achieve their goal of reclaiming their energy and sex drive.
\"I saw a need for a site that takes an honest and open approach to the realities of women who have lost the desire for sex and have found that their body no longer functons like it used to. It\'s a natural process but it doesn\'t mean that women have to concede to it, in fact just the opposite, if women understand why their bodies libido has dropped they then can focus on what they need to rejuvenate their system,\" states Samantha Criddle the creator of the women\'s site
In fact Samantha was right, the launch of her site was so well received that it just reinforced her drive to add more and more in-depth articles and up-to-date information for women looking for answers and treatment options to their struggles with a decreased sex drive.
As the popularity of the website keeps increasing more and more women can be confident that there is an informative resource for them to access online, to help them achieve their own personal goals and reconnect with their loved ones.
Web Site:
Contact Details: Samantha Criddle 2142 Wildflower Rd Shawnigan Lake, BC Canada